Turn Off Automatic Window Resizing and Docking in Windows 7
When Windows
7 made its debut back in 2009, one of its most celebrated new features
was automatic window resizing: Drag a window to one edge of the screen
and it would "dock" there while resizing to fill half the screen. Drag a
window up top and it would enlarge to full-screen size. Drag it down
again and it would return to its original size. And so on.
It's a pretty cool feature, and one that I use from time to time--but not everybody likes it. Indeed, some users might prefer to turn off the feature entirely and go back to resizing windows as they see fit. Just one problem: Where oh where in Windows 7's sea of settings do you find that particular one?
It's in a place you might not expect. Here's where to look:
1. Click Start, type Ease, then click Ease of Access Center.
2. Scroll down a bit and click Make the mouse easier to use.
3. Scroll down to and enable the last checkbox in that window: Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen.
4. Click OK and you're done!
Now your windows won't dock or resize when you drag them to the various hotspots.
It's a pretty cool feature, and one that I use from time to time--but not everybody likes it. Indeed, some users might prefer to turn off the feature entirely and go back to resizing windows as they see fit. Just one problem: Where oh where in Windows 7's sea of settings do you find that particular one?
It's in a place you might not expect. Here's where to look:
1. Click Start, type Ease, then click Ease of Access Center.
2. Scroll down a bit and click Make the mouse easier to use.
3. Scroll down to and enable the last checkbox in that window: Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen.
4. Click OK and you're done!
Now your windows won't dock or resize when you drag them to the various hotspots.